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Hyde Park Counseling & Therapy is a full-service mental health counseling practice- offering individual, family, and group therapy services. Services are wellness based and diverse in treatment approach. 

Are you looking to feel like a healthier, happier, whole, more integrated version of yourself?

You’re in the right place in the right moment

There has never been a more right moment than right now- for you to access a more whole, richer, healthier, successful, and integrated version of yourself!

Nourish Your Soul







Safety and Security





Are you looking to gain or enhance your sense of any of these? 

Hyde Park Counseling & Therapy's embodied, diverse, and integrative process may be what you're looking for!

Note: While services are generally delivered onsite face to face--

During COVID-19 pandemic, services remain fully virtual.

Typical yet Painful Life Issues and Problems 

Do you feel like you're no longer whole (the whole person that you once was or whole person that you seek to be?)

Have you suffered the loss of loved one, such as death of a child, parent, or spouse?

Have you experienced a break-up and separation from an important relationship that has left you feeling confused, hurt, and like you’re missing a part of yourself?

Are you experiencing a transition in life such as quarter life crisis, where you’re a recent grad or person launching into life and trying to figure it out and find your happy and secure place in life?

Are you a victim or survivor of sexual assault, crime, systemic discrimination, or other abuse ?

Are you in the midst of a new transition in life- such as a new job, new baby, becoming a first time parent, recent move or relocation, adjusting to a new level of health or physical condition?

Have you began suffering from heightened anxiety or panic attacks?

Are you experiencing a lack of confidence and impaired performance ( in career, academics, relationships, or social interactions)?

Are you a fairly well and balanced person simply looking to upgrade to a more optimum level of well or peak performance?

Are you a wellness/ holistic oriented person looking for a space to continue your growth path?

How We Help 

At Hyde Park Counseling & Therapy:

We provide solutions that assist clients with gaining a (more effective and wholistic) perspective of themselves, others, and obstacles. After which they may notice and harness opportunities for growth. We help clients develop a toolbox of systems that they may use independently to promote healing and growth in themselves and the world around them.


What our customers are saying

When I refer a client to April, I feel confident that they will be served well and truly cared for, because April is one the most considerate, compassionate, and gifted beings I have the privilege to know. April has a wide range of techniques and skills to fit almost any mental health need a client may have. It's such a pleasure working with her. 

~Karianne Croy, Holistic Health Coach


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(773)- 789-5040            1525 E 53rd. Chicago, IL             

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