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Contact Us
Greetings! If you' like to contact the office please feel free to send your inquiry via this contact page. Please allow up to 72 hours for return messages. Depending on the call volume messages are generally returned within 1-3 business days.
For the most efficient return message, please include the nature of your inquiry and needs. For potential clients, I'd also recommend including the requested service type, client type, availability for services, and how soon you're desiring to begin treatment. If you desire to use a third party payer (i.e. health insurance), you may provide name of insurance company/payer and plan type (e.g. Anthem Insurance PPO) so that you may learn whether provider accepts your policy and/or is in network work for your policy.
(e.g I'm looking for individual therapy or nutritional consult, for adult, available weekdays 10-1pm ......and requesting to begin next week; I have Anthem PPO).
Hyde Park Counseling & Therapy
1525 E 53rd Street
Chicago, IL 60615
Phone: (773) 789-5040